
Read the conversation. Use reported speech to complete the sentences.

Read the conversation. Use reported speech to complete the sentences.

موضوعنا لهذا اليوم يتضمن إجابة سؤال الفقرة G في كتاب نشاط الصف الأول الثانوي، الفصل الدراسي الثالث، EXPANSION Units 1 – 4.، وهو Read the conversation. Use reported speech to complete the sentences.
تابعوا قراءة المقال أدناه للإطلاع على إجابة هذا السؤال.

Read the conversation. Use reported speech to complete the sentences.


ان الاجابة الصحيحة لهذا السؤال هي كالتالي:

  • Harris: Did you see that little red sports car?
  • Alex: No, I didn’t.
  • Harris: Well, I think Qassim was driving it, and he was driving fast!
  • Alex: Was he?
  • Harris: I think so. Now where would Qassim get a car like that?
  • Alex: Who cares? It’s probably his father’s car.
  • Harris: It just seems strange. He’s usually so quiet and shy.
  • Alex: Maybe he’s changed.
  • Harris: I’m going to call Qassim when I get home.
  • Alex: Why are you going to do that?
  • Harris: I want to find out what’s going on.
  • 1. Harris asked Alex if he had seen that little red spots car.
  • 2. Alex said he hadn’t seen it.
  • 3. Harris wanted to know where Qassim would get a car like that.
  • 4. Alex said it was probably his father’s car.
  • 5. Harris said Qassim was usually so quiet and shy.
  • 6. Alex said maybe he had changed.
  • 7. Harris said that he was going to call Qassim.
  • 8. Alex asked Harris why he was going to do that.
وصلنا واياكم إلى ختام هذا المقال الذي قدمنا لكم فيه إجابة سؤال Read the conversation. Use reported speech to complete the sentences. الفقرة G من كتاب نشاط الصف الأول الثانوي، الفصل الدراسي الثالث، EXPANSION Units 1 - 4.، والمقدم عبر موقع اعرفها صح لنشر الخدمات الإلكترونية، ونشر الإجابات النموذجية للمناهج الدراسية.
تنتمي سمكة السلمون لطائفة الأسماك العظمية ؟ صواب خطأ
يتكون القلب في أغلب الأسماك من ثلاث حجرات