
marriage certificate attestation dubai 2024

marriage certificate attestation dubai

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation provides a marriage certificate attestation in Dubai online throughout the services of attestation of official papers, certificates and commercial invoices.

marriage certificate attestation Dubai


There are some procedures for marriage certificate attestation Dubai through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. They are represented by the following steps:

  • Go to Dubai Marriage Certificate Attestation Service ” From Here“.
  • Click the service icon.
  • Select the entry service for individuals.
  • Select to sign in with a digital ID.
  • Write your ID number, email or phone number.
  • Click the login icon.
  • Password will be sent to your phone number for one time.
  • Check your phone to get the verification code.
  • Write the verification code.
  • Click on the Verify icon.
  • Select the certification service from the Saadeh Centers of dealers in the country.
  • Select the type of documents to be authenticated “Personal Status Documents or Certificate of Origin”.
  • Determine where the certificate is issued.
  • Write the total number of certificates that will atteste.
  • Click on the icon of Yes The certificate has been authenticated.
  • Click the Add icon.
  • Write the information of delivery.
  • Complete the process and payment.
  • Give the document to the delivery company.
  • Receive the transaction from the delivery company.

Who benefits from marriage certificate attestation Dubai ?

Fortunately, all segments of society benefit from the services of attesting official papers, certificates and commercial invoices. They are represented by following:

  • Foreign missions in the country.
  • Government agencies.
  • Citizens and residents.
  • Private companies for certificates and invoices.

Dear followers, we have come to the end of marriage certificate attestation Dubai through the website of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
We presented this article throughout knowright website for publishing medical contents and electronic services.

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