
How to obtain the service of Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation online ? 2024

How to obtain the service of Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation online ?

Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation is an electronic service which is provided by Al Ain City Municipality. It is offered for UAE citizens.
Throughout this service, you can easily estimate the value of municipal assets for damaged infrastructure and parks as         a result of traffic accidents.

Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation Service Steps


For applying this service, you have to follow some steps, which are represented by the following procedures:

  • First, submission of the application.
  • Second, according to the customer wish, the amount of the value of the damage will be paied to the Municipality or a letter to the insurance company will be issued.
  • Third, receiving the clearance.

Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation Service Requirements

There are some required documents you should attach them to get this service, which are:

  • First, attach a copy of Sa’ed Report.
  • Second, attach a copy of Identity Card.

Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation Service Special Conditions

There are some special conditions you have to apply them to get this service, which are:

  • It is necessity to present identity card in all transactions of Al Ain Municipality. If the client submited the police report, the site should be reviewed which takes two working days.

If you want to contact us, please contact us on call center 800555 , or throughout email [email protected] .

Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we presented this article which talks about how do you obtain the service of Traffic Accidents Damages Estimation online.

إصدار وثيقة العمل الحر الأسر المنتجة ومتطلبات إصدار شهادة العمل الحر 2024
الاستعلام عن صلاحية الإقامة وتحقق من شروط تجديد الإقامة 2024