
How to get the service of No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service online ? 2024

How to get the service of No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service online ?

No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service is one of the electronic services which is offered by Al Ain City Municipality.
This service is provided for UAE citizens and business sector.
This service aims to license and renew an engineering consulting offie.

No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service steps


As the other services, there are some steps you should apply them to get this service, which are:

  • Go to the website of this service, “from here“.
  • Refer to Licensing Services Section (Department of Building Permits). Provide the required documents. Receiving the approval.

No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service requirements

For applying this service, there are some requirements you have to attach them, which are:

  • Certificate of Registration at Department of Planning and Economy Original, in which attach Professional license for office – Original.
  • Attach signature approval and seal of the
  • office approved by the court – Original in which Lease office contract approved by Property Department at Al Ain City Municipality – Original.
  • Valid residence for office workers -Original, in which attach Certificates of experience for office workers – Original.
  • Attach a copy of office workers’ passports, in which Educational certificates for office workers – original.
  • Attach a copy of The names of the office workers and
  • previous work carried out by the
  • Office.

For inquiry, contact us on call center 800555 or throughout email [email protected] .

Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we presented this article which talks about how to obtain No Objection Certificate for Engineering Office licence Issuance and renewal service online.

How to obtain the service of Building Demolition Permit online ? 2024
تجديد شهادة الثانوية العامة وشروط التجديد عبر وزارة التعليم 1445