
How to get the service of Refund Request online ? 2024

How to get the service of Refund Request online ?

If you are one of the UAE citizens, residents or visitors, as well as GCC national or residents, and you are wondering about how to refund request.
Fortunately, it becomes possible for you to refund of excess fees that paid or fees in excess of residency years that linked to the ID application.
This service is provided by Federal Authority for Identity, citizenship, customs, and Port Security electronically.
Keep reading the following lines to know more information about this service.

Refund Request Steps


As the other electronic services, there are some steps you should apply them to obtain this service. They are represented by the following:

  • Go to the refund request service website,”from here“.
  • Enter to the smart services system, digital identity or user name.
  • Then, search for the service you want to apply for.
  • Write the data of the application, where applicable.
  • If there is Payment fee of this service, pay it.
  • After that, you will receive a text message or email that stating the creation/developments of the order.
  • Finally, you will receipt of a notification refund completion.
  • Refund Request Requirements

Refund Request Requirements

There are some requirements for applying this service for residents or expats who paid fees in excess of the years that given to them. They are represented by the following:

  • First, you must attach original of valid passport.
  • Second, you must attach original of valid residency.
  • Third, it’s also necessary to attach the registration form confirming the paid amount.
  • Fourth requirement, a copy of the valid ID card.
  • Last one, a bank certificate indicating account number and IBAN.

Refund Request Service Fee

This service is offered free of charge for all customers. There is only fees may applicable and you may pay it, which is the Smart Services fees of 50AED.

If there is any inquiry or complain, contact us on email [email protected] , website www.icp.gov.ae , or throughout call center 600522222 .

Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we presented this article to you which talks about how to refund of excess fees that paid or fees in excess of residency years that linked to the ID application.

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